We have a new PR board!


The new UWA Sport personal record (PR) board is one of our latest additions to the weight lifting studio at the UWA gym. We hope you enjoy your chance to boast your biggest lifts and engage in some friendly competition with people in the same weight class as yourself.

How do I take part?

Simple record yourself performing a 1 repetition max (1RM) to show a UWA Sport staff member, or have a staff member supervise your lift directly.

What is the benefit of 1RM?

1RM provides a validated assessment of your maximal strength capacities, and is a great indicator to use when programming your workouts.

Why did we select these particular lifts?

The lifts we have chosen are core lifts used for the majority of the population for strength training. Each lift goes through a major movement pattern and are often used in standardised competition sports, like powerlifting.

Why is it divided into weight categories?

Weight categories are important, as individuals with greater muscle mass generally have a greater strength potential. Therefore, it would be unfair to compare individuals of substantially different body weights.

Why are there no Weightlifting lifts?

Weightlifting lifts are extremely technical exercises that require a high degree of specific training, not only to attain good performance, but also to be performed safely. Therefore, we have chosen lifts that are less technically demanding and easily accessible.

How do I perform the lifts?

If you have never performed these lifts before, be sure to gradually increase the weight you are lifting while ensuring you have correct technique.

Barbell Back Squat

Equipment required: 20kg barbell, squat rack, weight plates


  • No knee wraps (knee sleeves allowed)

  • Hip crease myst go below the top of the knee

  • Belt is allowed


  1. Unrack the barbell on your traps and shoulders, walk it out and take your stance

  2. Lower down with a rigid back/core braced to the required depth, keeping the weight over your centre of gravity.

  3. Push up and return to standing. Ensure your knees roughly follow in line with your toes on the way down and up.

Bench Press

Equipment required: 20kg barbell, flat bench, rack, weight plates


  • Bar must pause briefly on the chest before pressing up

  • Your glutes must remain in contact with the bench the entire time

  • Elbows must lock out at the top

  • Wrist wraps and belt permitted


  1. Lie on the bench with your shoulders pinned back and down.

  2. Take your grip and unrack the barbell.

  3. Lower down to your chest and pause briefly

  4. Press up until your elbows are locked out.


Equipment required: 20kg barbell, lifting platform, weight plates


  • No wrist straps

  • No hitching

  • Sumo stance is allowed

  • Must hold onto bar until weight is fully on the ground

  • Belt is allowed


  1. Take your stance with the bar over midfoot

  2. Grip the bar just outside your legs

  3. Bring your shin to the bar

  4. Flatten your back and brace your core

  5. Pull the bar up your shin and thighs (press the floor away with your legs and drive your hips through at the top)

  6. Reverse the motion on the way down

  7. Keep a rigid back and core braced during the entire lift

Overhead Press

Equipment required: 20kg barbell, squat rack, weight plates


  • No leg drivw

  • Barbell starts from below the chin

  • Elbows must lock out at the top of the lift

  • Belt is allowed


  1. Grip the barbell so your forearms are roughly vertical

  2. Unrack the bar

  3. Ensure knees are locked out

  4. Press bar up towards ceiling

  5. Lower in a controlled movement to starting position.

All the best with your lifts! We can’t ait to see this board come to life over the coming weeks.


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